Community Outreach (So Far) This Season

While our team is focused on designing, building, and programming the best possible robot for the season, we also want to make sure that we are encouraging participation in FIRST and STEM in general. This season, we’ve put greater emphasis on working with teams and students within our community to give them the opportunity to learn what we do in robotics and how they can get involved.

Chaboya Middle School

On October 14th, we hosted a technical robotics workshop for students interested in robotics. We had a group of students rotate through stations where they learned the programming and design fundamentals of robotics and were given the chance to drive our improved Freight Frenzy robot. A special thanks to Mr. Nguyen at Chaboya for letting us host the workshop in his classroom after school!

Shaunak talks to a couple of students about the different types of drivetrains in robotics.

Tom Matsumoto Elementary school

Amogh introduces the students to FIRST robotics and the things Omega does as a team.

This past Friday, October 28th, we were given the special opportunity to host an assembly for over 150 fifth and sixth graders at Tom Matsumoto Elementary School! Our team talked about FIRST robotics and the cool things we do as a robotics team in the mechanical—CAD, 3D printing, machining, robot iteration—and programming—computer vision, localization, and autonomous movement—fields. The students were especially interested in the connection between building robots and building legos. The students loved the demonstration of our robot as well. A special thanks to the principal, Ms. Frankina, and the 5th and 6th grade teachers for offering their time to let us speak to the students about robotics.

Students watch as we talk and demonstrate our Freight Frenzy robot.

Future outreach

Fortunately, we are not done with outreach for this season. We’re proud to have established great relationships with both Tom Matsumoto Elementary School and Chaboya Middle School so we’ll come back again this season to talk more about what we do in robotics and our progress. Even so, we are currently mentoring FTC 22040 Allstars R2 Robotics.

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